Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hello, I am Hanna a betta fish enthousiast. Many people (including my family) wonder why on earch I like betta's. They just don't understand what is so great about them. Well in fact their are many things that are great. And all of them will be covered in later posts. The point of this blog is to post fun facts, pretty pictures, share stories, tank pictures and anything else that I find or that my readers post that relate to betta fish.

So as a first post I feel it would only be fitting to give an introduction of me and my babies.

My name is Hanna I am from Minnesota. I started with betta's two years ago and was in love. My first betta was a crowntail named Keiichi. A few weeks later I got my first female betta a blue crowntail. Keiichi I am sad to say is no longer with me, but Haruna is doing wonderful. I also own cats, a dog and many chickens.

My current bettas are Haruna, Blinky, Koi, Sakura, Arashi, Blurp, and Kinzoku. I have eight in all.

I would love to see pics of everyone who reads this betta's!

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